IME 2025- International Mining, Equipment & Minerals Exhibiton

Important: Submit your Expression of Interest for Stall Bookings at and IME Team will connect with you.

Participants and Sponsors of Last Edition

Partner Country – Germany

Focus Country – Australia

Czech Pavilion by

Partner State – Gujarat

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Registrations Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Drinking Water Sponsor

Visitor Badges &
Lanyard Sponsor

About The Event

  • 11th in the Series – IME 2025 is a prestigious institutionalized biennial international exhibition of the Mining, Minerals and Machinery industries in India.
  • 3 Days High Level 11th Asian Mining Congress with Speakers and Delegates from over 25 Countries, who will visit and interact with Exhibitors.
  • Concurrent “Buyer Seller Meet” during Exhibition having presentations from Major Industry Players from the Industry.
  • An Ideal Platform for display and launches of new initiatives, machinery products and technologies, establishing joint ventures, developing and renewing international and regional contacts.
  • High Level Trade Delegations and Country Level Group Participation expected from Australia, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Iran, Poland, Russia and, UK and USA.
  • Large participation of leading Mining Equipment & Machinery Manufacturers expected from Asia, Africa, America and Europe
  • Participation of Minerals Rich India States and PSU’s, Large Corporates and Small and Medium Organisations.

A Few Glimpses of Last Edition